Finding freedom with The Mindful Tech Plans™
The Mindful Tech Plans™
Simply put, how do we inspire people at every age to do less of this?
and more of this?
If you are overly dependent on digital devices and don’t get out in nature very often, please do not feel guilty or hopeless. This is the way our tech-obsessed culture is going but you don’t have to follow along. It’s about the choices you make each day and it’s an on-going process.
All children need to know how to read. Older children also need to know about technology in this digital age. As we’ve said, there is scientific evidence that too much screentime, especially for young children, is harmful. They need time in nature with loved ones, and need to learn how to read – screen-free.
so less of this:
& more of this:
Find balance using:
The Mindful Tech Plan
The Family Tech Plan
The School Tech Plan
The Workplace Tech Plan
The Transportation Tech Plan
or, create your own Mindful Tech Plan
A quick quiz:
Put a check mark in each box that applies to your usage of a digital device and/or digital media.
Using a digital device/media for longer than you meant to
Wanting to cut down or stop using a digital device/media but not managing to
Spending a lot for time using, or recovering from using, a digital device/media Cravings and urges to use a digital device/media
Not managing to do what you should do at work, home or school because of using a digital device/media
Continuing to use a digital device/media even when it causes problems in relationships
Giving up important social, occupational or recreational activities because of your digital device/media usage
Using a digital device/media again and again, even when it puts you in danger (while driving etc.)
Continuing to use a digital device/media even when you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by it (headaches, tired eyes, tense muscles, depression, anxiety)
Needing more time on a digital device/media to get the effect you want
Developing withdrawal symptoms that can be relieved by using digital a device/media again
Give yourself a point for each checkmark.
The total number can help gauge whether your digital device/media addiction is:
Mild (2-3 check marks)
Moderate (4-5 check marks)
Severe (6-7 check marks)
An excerpt from The Craving Mind, by Judson Brewer, MD. Used with permission from Dr. Brewer.