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Kerry Crofton, PhD, is a nature-loving mother and grandmother concerned about the wellbeing of all children in this digital age. She trained as a clinical psychologist, mindfulness meditation teacher, yoga instructor and public health educator. Kerry is founder and CEO of the Canadian charity Global Health Alliance and the consulting company WellBeing International Ltd. She is the commentator on electro-magnetic radiation for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.


Kerry's previous publications include: A Wellness Guide for the Digital Age – Safer Tech Solutions for All Things Wired and Wireless. Before that she wrote The Healthy Type A – Good News for Go-Getters. Her background also includes: working as a public speaker, consulting in the aviation industry;  a weekly newspaper column; a counselling practice; heart health education; stress management and mindfulness training.

As “Momma Zen,” she led the meditation at the first Camp Grounded digital detox camp in the redwood forests of California, and has offered podcasts and webinars for Green Teacher, Take Me Outside and other groups. Kerry and other environmental and public health educators deliver Less Screen More Green and Mindful Tech™ Programs, along with the Safer Tech Education Course, for families, schools, workplaces and communities.


You may find Kerry wandering in the woods near her lakeside home, or leading a Forest Bathing walk for teachers, nurses or mental health workers as part of the "Care for the Caregivers" program. You may also find her online supporting a community of kindred spirits interested in creating our healthiest lives in low-tech green zones.

Contributing experts to Less Screen More Green:

Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, is a psychiatrist, Director of Research at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University, and author of The Craving Mind.


Dan Buettner is a National Geographic Explorer and author of Blue Zones.


David Carpenter, MD, is the director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany.


Pema Chödrön is a Buddhist nun, meditation teacher and author of When Things Fall Apart.


Frank Clegg is former Microsoft Canada President and CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST).


Richard J. Davidson, PhD, is the founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds. He is author of The Science of Meditation.


Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, is an epidemiologist, public health expert and the founder of Environmental Health Trust. She is author of Disconnect.


Gayatri Devi, MD, MS, is a neurologist specializing in brain injury medicine, behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry. She is author of A Calm Brain.


Victoria Dunckley, MD, is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and expert in electronic screentime – author of Reset Your Child's Brain.


Sharon Goldberg, MD, is an internal medicine specialist and Voluntary Associate Professor, University of New Mexico School of Medicine.


Brian Goldman, MD, is an emergency physician and radio host at CBC Canada – author of The Power of Kindness.


Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, is a primatologist, anthropologist, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Ambassador of Peace. 


Katharina Gustavs is a Building Biology-certified EMF consultant.


Jonathon Haidt, PhD, is a social psychologist and author of The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.


Joan Halifax, PHD, is an ecologist, civil rights activist, mindfulness teacher and Abbot of Upaya Zen Center.


Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, is an oncologist whose research focuses on environmental risks and preventative measures.


Magda Havas, BSc, PhD, is Professor Emerita at Trent University.


Jeromy Johnson, M.S. CE, is a civil engineer, EMF consultant and author of How to Find a Healthy Home.


Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, is Professor of Medicine emeritus at UMass Medical School, meditation teacher and author of Wherever You Go There You Are.


Shimi Kang, MD, is a psychiatrist, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia and author of The Tech Solution. 


Josh Lane is an outdoor educator and author of Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditating in Nature.


Richard Louv is a journalist and co-founder of the nonprofit Children & Nature Network. He is author of Last Child in The Woods.


Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD, is the UK founding director of Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE Medical). 


Rob Metzinger is an engineering technologist, a certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant and CEO of Safe Living Technologies.


Joel Moskowitz, PhD, is a public health expert and Director of the Center for Family and Community Health at UC Berkeley.


Tripler Pell, MD, MSc, is a physician specializing in both mental and environmental health, with a background in academic medicine. 


Alasdair Philips, is an electrical engineer, EMF safety consultant and founder of the UK nonprofit Powerwatch.


Michael Rich, MD, MPH, is the Founder and Director of the Digital Wellness Lab and the Clinic for Interactive Media and Internet Disorders at Boston Children’s Hospital, and author of The Mediatrician.


Sylvie Rokab is a filmmaker and nature therapy guide who leads Forest Bathing retreats. Her documentary is titled "Love Thy Nature."


Cris Rowan, BSc, is an occupational therapist and the founder of Zone In, a program on children and safer technology, and Reconnect Webinars.


Leif Salford, MD, PhD, is a neurosurgeon, an emeritus professor at Lund University, and researcher on the effects of mobile phones on the brain.


Stephen Sinatra, MD, was a cardiologist, and one of the founders of The American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine.


David Suzuki, PhD, is a geneticist, environmental activist and educator, author and broadcaster.


Severn Cullis-Suzuki is an activist, environmental educator and author. 


Mari Swingle, PhD, is a neuroscientist specializing in digital addiction and effects of technology on the brain and behaviour, also author of i-Minds.                                           

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