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Available in e-book, or paperback in colour or black and white.

The colour paperback has lots of full colour photos; the B&W edition is less expensive.

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About the book


This book is an easy-to-read, magazine format packed with lots of pictures and practical things you can do. It is a resource guide featuring dozens of other books from some of the leading experts in this field.

Here is an excerpt from the end of Part 1:


Your take-away so far?
How are you hearing our message in Part A? I hope you don’t think that we’re saying quietening your children with screens makes you a bad parent. Sometimes quiet time watching cartoons is helpful. It’s a problem if this is always how kids self-soothe, or the only way they know how.

Our message is not that Skype, FaceTime or Zoom are bad. Virtual connections can bring people together.  

The internet and social media aren’t inherently problematic; they can foster positive social, political and environmental  action. Dr. Goodall, Greta Thunberg and other activists use them as a force for good.

Our message is about balance and mindfulness. In Part B we’ll learn from traditional wisdom cultures and how they care for each other and this green planet, our only home.

We’ll see how time in nature and mindfulness practices can help us with digital addiction.

I wrote much of this book outdoors by the lake, under an old maple tree, on a laptop with a wired keyboard and wired mouse. I check email two or three times a day, and miss it when I cannot go online.

I use a corded landline for phone calls. It is the centre of my communication hub. My lowSAR (less radiation) cell phone doesn’t have data, apps, games or notifications. I don’t use it to organize my time, or to keep in touch with friends. It doesn’t talk to the fridge, the car or any  security system.  

My analog watch doesn't track the weather, my footsteps or my heart rate.  
You’ll learn later from a cardiologist and a neuroscientist how “smart” tech can affect our heart and brain health, and how to make truly smart choices.

Less Screen More Green



Introduction and Book Overview     


PART A – You and your brain on too much tech        

Technology offers benefits         

Silicon Valley reports        

Teachers have concerns      

Too much screentime – children at risk       

Smartphone addiction and youth mental health        

The Three Powers         

Environmental educators inspire         

Outdoor greentime benefits         

My story, well, part of my story       

Youth making wise choices        

Notes from millennials            

Seniors feeling isolated        

The Mindful Tech Approach        

Meet our screentime experts       


PART B – Digital detox using the three powers        

#1. The power of nature         

#2. The power of mindfulness         

#3. The power of kindness and being truly connected      


PART C – The Mindful Tech Plans         

De-clutter your tech with the KonMari Method™         

Digital Minimalism tips from Dr. Cal Newport         

Safer tech solutions from medical and technical experts             

Healthy aging – from conception to college and beyond        

The Truly Smart & Healthy Home                                

Mindful Tech – getting started        

The Family Tech Plan        

The School Tech Plan         

The Workplace Tech Plan         

The Transportation Tech Plan         

Going forward, Let’s be friends of the future        

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